Logistics manager at a warehouse

Did you know?

Out of 783,800 people working in transportation and warehousing industry, there are 46900 open positions. That means a 5.5% vacancy rate.

With almost 50,000 open positions in the transportation and warehousing industry, the competition for talent is fierce. You can’t afford to leave these positions unfilled—the success of your business depends on it!

The right staffing partner will help you navigate through any labour market and build a robust recruitment strategy with real-time market data and business intelligence on pay rate, benefits and more.

As one of the leading recruitment & staffing agencies in Canada, our ability to source the best candidates is second to none. Be it in transportation, warehousing, or any other industry, we’ll attract, recruit, and retain the talent you need.

Get in touch with us today!

Get in touch with us today!

Here’s how we can help you

Great candidates

Get pre-screened people quickly from one of the largest candidate databases in the country.

Staffing services

Everything from temporary staffing and permanent hires to onsite management solutions and payrolling services.

Enterprise solutions

Let’s future-proof your workforce through the Aspire Academy’s upskilling and reskilling programs.